Ferns & Tropicals
Ferns and Tropicals go hand in hand providing that lush, tropical, breeze in your face feeling along with a certain warmth and coziness.

Alocasia's are a very lush, tropical plant. Most varieties have large, heart shaped leaves that grow in a arching up-right habit. Great plant for under story plantings or in moist, well-drained, shady areas.
Shade 3'-4' Ht
Banana (Musa)

Nothing says 'tropical' like the large, lushy green leaves of the Banana waving in the warm breeze. Fast growing clumper does best in filtered sun with moist, well-drained soil. Depending on the variety, most will produce fruit in a few years. Usually fruit in late summer.
Sun-Part Sun 8'-12' Ht
Bird of Paradise - Orange

Always a favorite in the tropical landscape with it's showy flower spikes that resemble a bird's head. Flowers in the Spring through Summer. Can be used as a focal point in the landscape. Drought tolerant once established. Likes to be fed for more blooms.
Sun/Filtered 4'-5' Ht/Sp
Bird of Paradise - White

Large growing tropical clumper that looks its best when protected from the wing which can shred its long leaves. Produces large white flower spikes that resemble a bird's head. Give it plenty of room to do its thing.
Sun/Filtered 15'-18' Ht/Sp

Very versatile tropical plant. Depending on the variety, they can be used inside in bright light, outside in the full sun or around the pool/lanai in the shade. Great as a mass planting or in decor pots. Available in many different colors and combinations. Protect from the cold. Drought Tolerant.
Shade 2'-3' Ht/Sp

Tropical grower that is very drought tolerant. Usually has several cane/trunks that grow up-right and can be trained to have character. Comes in several varieties and color combinations. Also good for container plantings, pool areas, or house plant in bright light.
Filtered Light 5'-6' Ht
Fern - Birds Nest

Tropical growing fern that loves humidity and low light. Makes a great houseplant. Beautiful, long arching fronds that are glossy green with rippled edges. Likes moist, well-drained soil.
Filtered Light 2' Sp
Fern- Foxtail

Hardy, up-right grower that produces spear shaped cones that resemble a fox's tail. Gives a great textured look to the landscape also great as mass planting. Very tough plant.
Sun/Filtered 2'Ht
Fern - Macho

Large growing tropical fern with very lushy, arching arm-like foliage. Fast grower, give it room to do its thing. Looks great as a hanging basket or mass planting. Can take full sun but does best in partial sun. Likes moist, well-drained soil. Can be cut back if too big.
Filtered Light 2'-3' Ht/Sp
Fern - Sword

Fast spreader with light green foliage. Can take some morning sun. Great for filling in tough areas in the garden. Very lush and tropical. Likes moist, well-drained soil, can be drought tolerant when established.
Filtered Light 2' Ht/Sp
Ficus - Fiddle Leaf

Fast growing, lush tropical shrub that grows very up-right with large, thick, leathery like leaves. Makes a wonderful houseplant in bright light or as a container planting around the pool or lanai. Can plant outside but away from foundations or sidewalks. Can get quite large. Can adapt to full sun.
Filtered Light 15'-20' Ht
Ginger - Red Button

Must have for the tropical garden. Very lush and tropical with sturdy shoots that hold showy, bright red, cone shaped flowers. Dies back in the winter. Nice color for those shady spots.
Filtered Light 6´-8´ Ht-Sp
Ginger - Variegated

Also known as 'Shell' ginger, this clumper has bright, creamy yellow and green striped leaves. Produces a hanging spray of flowers once older. Just a nice tropical grower but needs some room. Can get large. Can adapt to full sun but filtered sun is best. Moist, well-drained soil.
Filtered Light 3'Ht/Sp

Tropical grower clumper with long, narrow green leaves. Bright tropical blooms nearly year-round. Fast growing spreader that comes in several varieties and colors.
Filtered Light 4'-5'Ht/Sp

Tropical, spreading evergreen with thick, rubber-like leaves that form a low ground cover when used in the landscape. Likes shady, moist but well-drained soil and protection from the cold. Also very popular as a house plant, can take some low light situations.
Filtered Light 18"-20" Sp
Philodendron - Prince of Orange

A hybrid with large, shiny, thick leathery-like foliage with new growth coming out in an orangy-red color. Adds a splash of color to shady garden or in a container planting. Self-heading, does not vine. Can also be used as a house plant in a bright-light situation.
Filtered Light 2'-3' Ht/Sp
Philodendron - Selloum

Large, tropical evergreen with a large, wide spreading growth habit. Large, dark glossy green lobed leaves. Will develop a trunk with age. Best in shady locations. Adds tropical to any landscape/pool area. Moist, well-drained soil.
Filtered Light 5'-6' Ht/Sp
Philodendron - Xanadu

Dwarf, tropical evergreen with dark glossy green, arrowhead shaped leaves with jagged edges. Great ground cover for shade gardens or under pool cage. Makes a nice mass planting. Moist, well-drained soil.
Part Sun/Shade 2' Ht/Sp

Compact, low-growing tropical shrub with striking foliage. Likes warm temperatures and bright light, no direct sunlight. Needs moist, well-drained soil.
Filtered Light 2'Ht/Sp
Ti Plant

Tropical, up-right grower with multi-canes. Comes in a spectrum of colors/varieties. Great as an accent plant around pool/lanai. Likes well-drained soil, drought tolerant.
Filtered Light 6'-8' Ht