A few plants that'll prickle your fancy

This is a super tough plant also known as 'Century Plant'. Spreading rosettes of grey-green leaves with sharp spines along the sides and heavy spike on end of leaves. This agave is monocarpous (dies once it's flowered), but produces a pup that will then flower to continue the life cycle. Tolerant to heat, drought, cold, and salt.
Full Sun/Filtered 4-5'Ht/Sp

Has the same up right growth habit as most large agave. Has shiny, slightly glossy, upward arching leaves with yellow margins; each leaf has a slightly curled down end and is armed with pointed edges. Tolerant of heat and drought
Full Sun/ Filtered 2-3'Ht/Sp

Has flashy gel filled leaves that are commonly used for natural home remedies. Can get knocked back in cold but should recover easily. They have a clump forming growth habit. A great container plant for every household.
Sun/ Filtered 12-14'Ht/Sp
(Prickly Pear)

Large growing cactus with many arms. Somewhat thornless. Like most cactus, the Prickly Pear likes hot and dry conditions; it is severely heat and drought tolerant. Needs a lot of room to spread out and continue growing newer pads.
Full Sun/Filtered 6-8'Ht/Sp
Ice Plant

A Succulent like groundcover with fleshy, pointed foliage that are triangular in shape. Produces bright fuchsia flowers throughout the warmer months. Great for beach plantings and very drought-tolerant.
Full Sun 14-18"Sp
Crown of Thorns

One of the easiest plants to grow. This plant is an ever-bloomer with woody succulent-like stems and many slender thorns. A popular houseplant and commonly used as a deterrent-hedge. It's milk sap can sometimes be toxic. Blooms all year round in our area. Prefers well drained soil but can take poor soil conditions. Extremely heat and drought tolerant.
Full Sun 3-4'Ht/Sp
(Grape Jelly)

A succulent bromeliad that has lovely burgandy-grape colored foliage (gets deeper red in the sun). Heavily barbed foliage that grows in an arched rosette form. Spring bloomer with yellow-orange spikes. A bit more cold tolerant than most bromeliads; prefers to be on dry, but water if bone-dry.
Full Sun/ Filtered 10-12"Ht/Sp
False Agave

A moderate grower with leaves of milky white and light green stripes (really stand out against the dark green base).The plant is both brighter and safer than its sister Agave(s). The foliage is fleshy, and it has no spines. Can recover from frost, but not cold-hardy. Low maintenance. Like a well drained soil.
Full Sun 4-6'Ht/Sp
(Donkey Ears)

A fast growing succulent perennial that can reach up to 18" in height and spread with large, wide, donkey ear shaped leaves. Prefers to be dried out in between waterings and to be in a bright sunny location with heat. Great for hanging baskets.
Full Sun

A great groundcover for hot and dry locations that comes in a large variety of colors. Some are known for their flowers, while others are known for mainly foliage. Ideal for container and garden planting. Drought and heat tolerant.
→ Lemon Ball bright yellow variety.
Full Sun 14"Sp
(Soft Tip)

The tallest of the Yucca varieties. Does not have the sharp, sword-like leaves like its sister Yucca(s). Usually has several stalks and canes. Great for planting in dry, hot, and sandy locations. Cold hardy and trouble free; can tolerate drought once established.
Full Sun 10-12"Ht
ZZ Plant

A tropical looking plant with glossy green foliage. Grows upright and can arch outwards. Can be a low maintenance houseplant (easy care, durable, and low light requirements). Great for container planting.
Filtered light 3'Ht/Sp